Crossword clues for close down
close down
vb. 1 (context ambitransitive English) To stop trading as a business. 2 (context transitive English) To surround someone, as to impede their movement.
Usage examples of "close down".
When we Subversives come to power we'll have to close down all distilleries and breweries.
Ackerman he was helping close down the boxoffice from 8:05 to 8:20 when he was called to help an usher with a rowdy patron around.
Fortunately, I hallooed loud enough to make O'Brien, who was close down to the boats, with a large cod-fish under each arm, turn round and come to my assistance.
I figured I'd forgotten to close down the computer, that you'd come home and seen the e-mail from Lester Silva about the money and then rushed off to Jack's office to confront him.
Go unplug the coffeepot and turn out the lights in back while I close down the register.
I got in, and the boy shut the window close down to keep out the cold.
We knew we had to close down this cheeseball operation before the Tibetan Enclave.
If passed, the proposed legislation will close down six thousand agricultural producers, condemning ten thousand, eight-hundred ninety-six people to fiscal insolvency and unemployment.